Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mato Grosso photo madness

This is a picture of our plane ticket that says to only arrive for international flights 1 hour before departure...classic Brazil

Waiting for our plane to CUIABÁ

Caio and me at Garagem

Krystal and me at Garagem

Krystal, Caio and me at Garagem

Losing our cool at Garagem...

Meu lobisomem

Caio, dad and grandfather

Elders of the Xavante

Taking a break after the fight

14 year old warriors beating it out with roots

4 year olds! Look how strong!

Dad leading his son into the circle to show his strength


5am, little warrior drinking their coffee before an early morning beat-down

Youngest Xavante, notice the TV

Religion at work in the Xavante household

Dad getting the little ones ready

Rainbow in Primaveira, Mato Grosso

Thick grass in Chapada

Cuiabá at night

Quilombo art exhibit

Beautifulness in Chapada

Krystal and I in Chapada

Chapada house

Our friend Tom playing saxaphone at the exact center of South America


More thick grass

Caio's countryhouse in Chapada

Caio's awesome father


  1. beautiful beautiful crazy beautiful pictures... it's so green -- oaxaca is winter-dry right now.

  2. fun writer =) nice to see our own people through someone else's eyes! haha
