Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just us girls running the house

Now that I finally have my god-forsaken PUC ID, I could technically go and register my laptop so that I can have campus internet. Why you have to get a special password from some strange office somewhere I do not know..but I am certain that I'm so discouraged by the promise of the pain of registering my macbook that I have so far avoided doing so. That's why I'm surprised I have wireless connection here right now in what I would call a 'quad' underneath the Kennedy building. Last night I stayed up all hours trying to summarize an article about Brazilian Agrarian Reform and now I'm wired on tiny cups of coffee waiting for my cinema class to start. Out of no where I have a lot of work lately--a presentation on Wednesday, two essays due on Tuesday and the usual overwhelming readings.

It should be mentioned that on Friday the family got some drinks by the beach and Caio got drunk for the first time ever--off two caipirinhas which is just ridiculous. We quit really early to buy cookies at the grocery store and once we got home he got sick like a skinny high school popular girl after homecoming. He has since left the house on a trip to São Paulo and has left us girls to rule the house on our own. On Saturday we had a little picnic at Guanabara Bay by this nice park.

Sunday the sun came out for long enough to go to the beach. My whole body felt like it was smiling after being in the nice sun by the ocean. Living in cold places is overrated--I could live on warm coasts forever. Speaking of beautiful beaches, here are some pictures from the beginning of May. They're all from Ilha Grande, a small island off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro. It's like a small Catalina that I actually enjoyed...I usually don't enjoy little getaways like that so much but for some reason I loved Ilha Grande. I went just with Caio and Lygia because Krystal was off with her boyfriend for the weekend. A strange dialect of English with Portuguese has organically emerged between all of us and I can already tell I'm going to miss speaking Portuguese when I go home to SD.

Last but not least, this is a video we recorded at the beach of Caio and me screaming 'cadê o chinelo?!' (where is the sandal?!). It's basically us copying a Panico na TV (brazilian SNL mixed with Jackass) skit of this weird dude running around the surf looking for his sandals. Enjoy.

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